Add Goodness offers in-studio classes, recovery facilities and online practices to help you do, be, move, breathe and retreat. A place to learn new skills to soothe the nervous system, connect with self, and condition the body and mind.


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Change your mindset

Change your world


Until we find space to reflect upon our lives and the things that matter, it can be challenging to appreciate what we have. Sometimes it takes losing what we love or what we think we need to truly see what more our lives can offer us. In these time of uncertainty, make space to reflect on the beauty that surrounds you and prioritise making time to add good things back in to your life.

Learn about our studios & offerings


A mindfulness class created for stillness, presence, gratitude and peace. You will be seated or reclining for a restorative practice allowing you to connect deeply with your self




A gentle movement class incorporating breath and mindfulness. It is designed to help shift stagnate energy and bring about a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction




A moderate intensity class designed according to the seasons to help bring about some balance to your life. Wear clothes that allow you to move with ease and comfortability




Breathwork class is created for stillness, regulation and grounding. You will be seated or reclining for a practice allowing you to connect deeply with your self


An experience to fully immerse yourself. Instructor dependent, season dependent, modality dependent. Expect breathwork mindfulness, movement and more